Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Looking forward to the future

The White River Sistas Savve class is looking forward to their graduation next week, but they still have lots to do before then! The class will form a small business collective to make sure they continue to benefit from the craft skills and knowledge they have learned at Sistas Savve. The class met with Jenny Kaniko, the Community Liaison Officer, to discuss how the collective worked, and to vote for a committee of women to be the leaders.  

Although many great people were nominated for the four positions, the successful candidates were Weena (President), Clerah (Vice-President), Mary (Secretary) and Joyce (Treasurer).

Under the leadership of Weena, the Committee will drive the operation of the collective, and make sure it can continue long after their Sistas Savve classes have finished. They will make sure that communication between the women is good, by organising meetings and discussing issues, and they will ensure the finances are protected and accurately distributed. It is hoped that this support will enable all the women to benefit from the collective and experience improved livelihoods for them and their families. 

From left: Joyce (Treasurer), Weena (President), Mary (Secretary) and Clerah (Vice-President)

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