Thursday, September 22, 2011

Next Community to Engage with Sistas Savve Found

The Project Coordinator for Sistas Savve talking to Mamana Water community members during the community awareness on Sistas Savve and the program it offered. 
The next phase of training for Sistas Savve is about to start and we have identified the community to work with - MAMANA WATER COMMUNITY!!!

Mamana Water Community is right in the heart of town, and is a coastal community. It is a ten minute walk away from the Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA). There are mostly Malaitans in this community. However, there is a minority group of Polynesians as well.

Mamana Water translates as "the river mouth, or the opening/mouth/front of the water" as it is situated at the mouth of the Mataniko River.

The twist in tale of this community is their leader - a woman!!! Culturally, people from Malaita do not have females as leaders or chiefs, let alone think about it. But here we are, in a community with a female leader. Already the journey is exciting for Sistas Savve as this will definitely be different.

Baseline consultation work has just been completed and it is amazing to find out that this community, situated in the heart of Honiara, close to a lot of the essential services in town, have had little knowledge about Sexual Reproductive Health issues. Follow us and find out more as community liaisons continue and the training actually start.

The community leader for Mamana Water Community, Sylvesta Beata, talking to her community members during the meeting with Sistas Savve and partners involved in the project.