Thursday, June 7, 2012

Meet Joyce Kana, a Recent Sistas Savve Graduate

29-year-old Joyce Kana lives in Mamana Water Community, is married and has two children aged 3 and 11. She graduated from Sistas Savve about two months ago. The Sistas Savve staff continues to work closely with graduates, and had a chat with Joyce about her life after the training.

Joyce and her family currently live with her parents, but her goal is to save up enough money to build her own house. “My husband doesn’t work, and if he does find work, he doesn’t save the money that he earns.” she says. 

Joyce supports her family by selling fish at Honiara Central Market. “After the [Sistas Savve] financial literacy and marketing training, I have started growing my business, and have also begun saving some of my earnings,” Joyce tells us. “I never saved up my money before. All the Mamana graduates have formed a savings club and have a joint bank account, which I contribute to through the proceeds I make.”

Joyce has also been selling her crafts on the side, which she learned to make through Sistas Savve: “I’ve been selling my products in my village, and have even sold a basket to an expat who attended our church,” she says.

Joyce has also visited the local Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA) clinic for the first time, and says that following the training, she feels much more confident about getting health check-ups, including family planning advice.

Stay tuned for more stories on what Sistas Savve women have accomplished after they graduated!


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